About me
After years of work within the Telecom industry I felt like I wanted to work with something I truly felt passionate about.
I've played games my whole life and problem solving is something I tend to enjoy. This led me to try the application test for TGA (The Game Assembly), fast forward, now I'm here!
Working with me
I'm a goal driven person with a strong team mindset. In projects I tend to set my aim locked and steady on the goal. Whether it be delivering a feature or resolving an issue, the backbone of my drive lies within the challenge!
Maybe that's why I enjoy games so much?
I've always enjoyed working on group projects, they usually have a clear goal. I think it's super important for the team to vibe well together and for everyone to be motivated to give their all. Projects with that tend to be the most fun and those where I thrive the most!
I strongly belive that success is not achieved by individuals alone, but by the collective effort of the team.